Module rustls::internal::msgs::enums

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  • The AlertLevel TLS protocol enum. Values in this enum are taken from the various RFCs covering TLS, and are listed by IANA. The Unknown item is used when processing unrecognised ordinals.
  • The Compression TLS protocol enum. Values in this enum are taken from the various RFCs covering TLS, and are listed by IANA. The Unknown item is used when processing unrecognised ordinals.
  • The Encrypted Client Hello protocol version (EchVersion).
  • The Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data (Aead) type for HPKE operations. Listed by IANA, as specified in RFC 9180 Section 7.3
  • The Key Derivation Function (Kdf) type for HPKE operations. Listed by IANA, as specified in RFC 9180 Section 7.2
  • The Key Encapsulation Mechanism (Kem) type for HPKE operations. Listed by IANA, as specified in RFC 9180 Section 7.1
  • The NamedGroup TLS protocol enum. Values in this enum are taken from the various RFCs covering TLS, and are listed by IANA. The Unknown item is used when processing unrecognised ordinals.