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// Copyright 2023-2024 Hugo Osvaldo Barrera
// SPDX-License-Identifier: EUPL-1.2
//! Implementation of a common API for reading and writing items on different underlying
//! storage implementations.
//! Storages can contain `icalendar` components, `vcard` entries, or other content types where
//! items are either immutable or have unique ids.
//! # Storage
//! A [`Storage`] contains a set of collections, where each collection can contain many items, but
//! not other collections. This restriction matches the semantics of caldav/carddav and also object
//! stores like S3.
//! This crate currently includes the following implementations:
//! - [`CalDavStorage`]: a caldav server, where each collection is an individual calendar, and
//! each item is an individual event or todo in a calendar.
//! - [`CardDavStorage`]: a caldav server, where each collection is an individual address book, and
//! each item is an individual contact card.
//! - [`ReadOnlyStorage`]: wraps around another `Storage` instance, returning an error of kind
//! [`ErrorKind::ReadOnly`] for any write operation.
//! - [`VdirStorage`] a local directory, where each collection is a directory and each
//! item is a file.
//! - [`WebCal`]: An icalendar file loaded via HTTP(s). This storage is implicitly read-only.
//! The `Storage` type and the logic for synchronisation of storages is is agnostic to the content
//! type inside collections, and can synchronise collections with any type of content. When
//! synchronising two storages, items with the same UID on both sides are synchronised with each
//! other. Interpreting content of items in order to extract these UIDs is done via the generic `I`
//! parameter, which implements the necessary operations for a specific content type of a given
//! storage instance.
//! [`Storage`]: crate::base::Storage
//! [`CalDavStorage`]: crate::caldav::CalDavStorage
//! [`CardDavStorage`]: crate::carddav::CardDavStorage
//! [`ReadOnlyStorage`]: crate::readonly::ReadOnlyStorage
//! [`VdirStorage`]: crate::vdir::VdirStorage
//! [`WebCal`]: crate::webcal::WebCalStorage
//! ## Collections, Hrefs and Collections Ids
//! As mentioned above, collections cannot be nested (note for IMAP: having an `INBOX` collection
//! and an `INBOX/Feeds` collection is perfectly valid).
//! A collection has an `href` and usually has an `id`.
//! The `href` attribute is the path to an item inside a storage instance. Its value is storage
//! dependant, meaning that when a collection is synchronised to another storage, it may have a
//! different `href` on each side.
//! The `id` for a collection is not storage-specific. When synchronising two storages, the default
//! approach is to synchronise items across collections with the same `id`. The `id` of a
//! collection is entirely dependant on its `href`, and should never change.
//! The [`Href`] alias is used to refer to `href`s to avoid ambiguity. [`Href`] instances should be
//! treated as an opaque value and not given any special meaning outside of this crate.
//! See also: [`CollectionId`].
//! ## Items
//! See [`Item`](crate::base::Item).
//! ## Properties
//! Storages expose properties for collections. Property types vary depending on a Storage's items,
//! although items themselves cannot have properties.
//! Calendars have a `Colour`, `Description`, `DisplayName` and `Order`
//! Address Books have `DisplayName` and `Description`.
//! ## Entity tags
//! An `Etag` is a value that changes whenever an item has changed in a collection. It is inspired
//! on the HTTP header with the same name (used extensively in WebDav). See [`Etag`].
use std::{backtrace::Backtrace, str::FromStr};
mod atomic;
pub mod base;
pub mod caldav;
pub mod carddav;
mod dav;
pub mod disco;
pub mod readonly;
mod simple_component;
pub mod sync;
mod util;
pub mod vdir;
pub mod watch;
pub mod webcal;
type Result<T, E = crate::Error> = std::result::Result<T, E>;
/// Variants used to categorise [`Error`] instances.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum ErrorKind {
/// The requested operation is not possible on this specific instance.
/// This storage implementation does not support a required feature.
// #[deprecated]
impl ErrorKind {
/// Create a new error of this kind.
/// This is merely a convenience shortcut to [`Error::new`].
fn error<E>(self, source: E) -> Error
E: Into<Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>>,
Error::new(self, source)
const fn as_str(&self) -> &'static str {
match self {
ErrorKind::DoesNotExist => "resource does not exist",
ErrorKind::NotACollection => "resource exists, but is not a collection",
ErrorKind::NotAStorage => "resource exists, but is not a storage",
ErrorKind::AccessDenied => "access to the resource was denied",
ErrorKind::Io => "input/output error",
ErrorKind::InvalidData => "operation returned data, but it is not valid",
ErrorKind::InvalidInput => "input data is invalid",
ErrorKind::ReadOnly => "the resource is read-only",
ErrorKind::CollectionNotEmpty => "the collection is not empty",
ErrorKind::PreconditionFailed => "a required condition was not met",
ErrorKind::Unavailable => "the operation is not possible on this instance",
ErrorKind::Unsupported => "the operation is not supported",
ErrorKind::Uncategorised => "uncategorised error",
// TODO: generate rustdoc for each variant using this method?
/// A common error type used by all Storage implementations.
/// See also [`ErrorKind`].
pub struct Error {
kind: ErrorKind,
source: Option<Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>>,
backtrace: Backtrace,
impl Error {
fn new<E>(kind: ErrorKind, source: E) -> Error
E: Into<Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>>,
Error {
source: Some(source.into()),
backtrace: Backtrace::capture(),
pub fn backtrace(&self) -> &Backtrace {
impl From<ErrorKind> for Error {
fn from(kind: ErrorKind) -> Self {
Error {
source: None,
backtrace: Backtrace::capture(),
impl From<std::io::Error> for Error {
fn from(value: std::io::Error) -> Self {
let kind = match value.kind() {
std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound => ErrorKind::DoesNotExist,
std::io::ErrorKind::PermissionDenied => ErrorKind::AccessDenied,
std::io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput => ErrorKind::InvalidInput,
std::io::ErrorKind::InvalidData => ErrorKind::InvalidData,
_ => ErrorKind::Io,
Error {
source: Some(value.into()),
backtrace: Backtrace::capture(),
impl std::fmt::Display for ErrorKind {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
impl std::fmt::Display for Error {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self.source {
Some(ref s) => write!(fmt, "{}: {}", self.kind, s),
None => self.kind.fmt(fmt),
impl std::error::Error for Error {
fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn std::error::Error + 'static)> {
match &self.source {
Some(e) => Some(e.as_ref()),
None => None,
/// An identifier for a specific version of a resource.
/// Each time that a resource is read, it will return its current `Etag`. The `Etag` is a unique
/// identifier for the current version. An `Etag` value is specific to a specific storage
/// implementation and instance. E.g.: they are opaque values that have no meaning across storages.
/// This is strongly inspired on the [HTTP header of the same name][MDN].
/// It is assumed that all `Etag` values are valid UTF-8 strings. As of HTTP 1.1, all header values
/// are restricted to visible characters in the ASCII range, so this is not a problem for CalDav or
/// CardDav storages. Other storages with no native `Etag` concept should attempt to use the most
/// suitable approximation.
/// [MDN]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/ETag
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone)]
pub struct Etag(String);
impl Etag {
pub fn as_str(&self) -> &str {
return self.0.as_str();
impl<T> From<T> for Etag
String: From<T>,
fn from(value: T) -> Self {
impl AsRef<str> for Etag {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &str {
impl std::fmt::Display for Etag {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
/// The path to the item inside the collection.
/// For example, for carddav collections this is the path of the entry inside the collection. For
/// [`vdir::VdirStorage`], this the file's relative path, etc. `Href`s MUST be valid UTF-8 sequences.
/// Implementations MUST define their `Href` in a way that it is possible to infer:
/// - Whether an Href belongs to a collection or an item.
/// - For an item, to which collection it belongs.
/// Whether an `href` is relative to a collection or absolute is storage dependant. As such, this
/// should be treated as an opaque string by consumers of this library.
pub type Href = String;
/// An identifier for a collection.
/// Collection identifiers are a short string that uniquely identify a collection inside a storage.
/// They are based on the `href` of a collection, which never changes. The `CollectionId` is
/// intended as a more human-friendly substitute for collection `href`s.
/// The following limitations exist, given that such values would produce ambiguous results with
/// the implementation of [`VdirStorage`], [`CalDavStorage`], and [`CardDavStorage`]:
/// - A `CollectionId` cannot contain a `/` (slash)
/// - A `CollectionId` cannot be exactly `..` (double period).
/// - A `CollectionId` cannot be exactly `.` (a single period).
/// [`VdirStorage`]: crate::vdir::VdirStorage
/// [`CalDavStorage`]: crate::caldav::CalDavStorage
/// [`CardDavStorage`]: crate::carddav::CardDavStorage
/// # Creating instances
/// Instances of `CollectionId` always contain previously validated data.
/// See: [`CollectionId::try_from`] and [`CollectionId::from_str`].
#[derive(PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct CollectionId {
// INVARIANT: matches rules in documentation above.
inner: String,
impl CollectionId {
fn validate(value: &str) -> std::result::Result<(), CollectionIdError> {
if value.chars().any(|c| c == '/') {
return Err(CollectionIdError::Slash);
if value == ".." {
return Err(CollectionIdError::DoublePeriod);
if value == "." {
return Err(CollectionIdError::SinglePeriod);
impl AsRef<str> for CollectionId {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &str {
impl From<CollectionId> for String {
fn from(value: CollectionId) -> String {
impl std::fmt::Display for CollectionId {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum CollectionIdError {
#[error("collection id must not contain a slash")]
#[error("collection id must not be '..'")]
#[error("collection id must not be '.'")]
impl FromStr for CollectionId {
type Err = CollectionIdError;
/// Creates a new `CollectionId` with the input data.
/// When converting a `String`, use [`CollectionId::try_from`] instead to avoid re-allocating
/// the string data.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use vstorage::CollectionId;
/// let collection_id: CollectionId = "personal".parse().unwrap();
/// ```
fn from_str(s: &str) -> std::result::Result<Self, Self::Err> {
// TODO: validation should not iterate string thrice.
Ok(CollectionId {
inner: s.to_string(),
impl TryFrom<String> for CollectionId {
type Error = CollectionIdError;
/// Converts a `String` instance into a `CollectionId`.
/// Note that manually allocating a `String` before calling this method is an anti-pattern; the
/// cost of the re-allocation is paid even if the validation fails. For converting [`&str`],
/// see [`CollectionId::from_str`].
fn try_from(value: String) -> std::result::Result<Self, Self::Error> {
Ok(CollectionId { inner: value })