use std::io::Read;
use anyhow::{bail, Context};
use http::Uri;
use hyper::client::HttpConnector;
use hyper_rustls::{HttpsConnector, HttpsConnectorBuilder};
use libdav::{carddav_service_for_url, dav::WebDavClient, sd::find_context_url, CardDavClient};
use log::info;
use crate::{cli::ServerCommand, common::auth_from_env};
type Client = CardDavClient<HttpsConnector<HttpConnector>>;
fn carddav_client() -> anyhow::Result<Client> {
let base_url = std::env::var("DAVCLI_BASE_URL")
.context("failed to determine base_url")?
.context("parsing DAVCLI_BASE_URL")?;
let auth = auth_from_env()?;
let https = HttpsConnectorBuilder::new()
let webdav = WebDavClient::new(base_url, auth, https);
let client = CardDavClient::new(webdav);
#[tokio::main(flavor = "current_thread")]
pub(crate) async fn execute(command: ServerCommand) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let client = carddav_client()?;
match command {
ServerCommand::Discover => discover(client).await?,
ServerCommand::FindCollections => list_collections(client).await?,
ServerCommand::ListItems { collection_href } => {
list_resources(&client, collection_href).await?;
ServerCommand::Get { resource_href } => get(client, resource_href).await?,
ServerCommand::Delete { force, href } => {
if !force {
bail!("Must force deletion (no etag support in davcli)");
delete(&client, href).await?;
ServerCommand::Tree => tree(client).await?,
ServerCommand::Create { resource_href } => create(client, resource_href).await?,
async fn discover(mut client: Client) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let service = carddav_service_for_url(client.base_url())?;
println!("- Base url: {}", client.base_url());
match find_context_url(&client, service).await? {
Some(context_path) => {
println!("- Resolved context path: {context_path}");
client.webdav_client.base_url = context_path;
None => {
println!("- Context path not found; using given URL");
match client.find_current_user_principal().await? {
Some(principal) => {
println!("- Current user principal: {principal}");
let home_set = client.find_address_book_home_set(&principal).await?;
if home_set.is_empty() {
println!("- Address book home set not found.");
} else {
for collection in home_set {
println!("- Address book home set: {collection}");
None => println!("- Curent user principal not found."),
async fn urls_for_finding_address_books(client: &Client) -> anyhow::Result<Vec<Uri>> {
let urls = match client.find_current_user_principal().await? {
Some(principal) => {
let home_set = client.find_address_book_home_set(&principal).await?;
if home_set.is_empty() {
} else {
None => vec![client.base_url().clone()],
async fn list_collections(client: Client) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let urls = urls_for_finding_address_books(&client).await?;
for url in urls {
let response = client.find_addressbooks(&url).await?;
for collection in response {
println!("{}", collection.href);
async fn get(client: Client, href: String) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let collection = match href.rfind('/') {
Some(i) => &href[0..i],
None => "/",
let response = client
.get_address_book_resources(collection, &[href])
.context("Server returned a response with no resources")?;
let raw = &response
.map_err(|code| anyhow::anyhow!("Server returned error code: {0}", code))?
async fn list_resources(client: &Client, href: String) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let resources = client.list_resources(&href).await?;
if resources.is_empty() {
info!("No items in collection");
} else {
for resource in resources {
println!("{}", resource.href);
async fn delete(client: &Client, href: String) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
async fn tree(client: Client) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let urls = urls_for_finding_address_books(&client).await?;
for url in urls {
let response = client.find_addressbooks(&url).await?;
for collection in response {
println!("{}", collection.href);
list_resources(&client, collection.href).await?;
async fn create(client: Client, href: String) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let mut data = Vec::new();
let mut stdin = std::io::stdin().lock();
stdin.read_to_end(&mut data).context("reading from stdin")?;
let response = client
.create_resource(&href, data, b"text/vcard")
.context("sending request to create resource")?;
if let Some(etag) = response {
println!("Etag: {etag}");
} else {
println!("No etag");