use super::{EnterRuntime, CONTEXT};
use crate::loom::thread::AccessError;
use crate::util::markers::NotSendOrSync;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::time::Duration;
/// Guard tracking that a caller has entered a blocking region.
pub(crate) struct BlockingRegionGuard {
_p: PhantomData<NotSendOrSync>,
pub(crate) struct DisallowBlockInPlaceGuard(bool);
pub(crate) fn try_enter_blocking_region() -> Option<BlockingRegionGuard> {
.try_with(|c| {
if c.runtime.get().is_entered() {
} else {
// If accessing the thread-local fails, the thread is terminating
// and thread-locals are being destroyed. Because we don't know if
// we are currently in a runtime or not, we default to being
// permissive.
.unwrap_or_else(|_| Some(BlockingRegionGuard::new()))
/// Disallows blocking in the current runtime context until the guard is dropped.
pub(crate) fn disallow_block_in_place() -> DisallowBlockInPlaceGuard {
let reset = CONTEXT.with(|c| {
if let EnterRuntime::Entered {
allow_block_in_place: true,
} = c.runtime.get()
c.runtime.set(EnterRuntime::Entered {
allow_block_in_place: false,
} else {
impl BlockingRegionGuard {
pub(super) fn new() -> BlockingRegionGuard {
BlockingRegionGuard { _p: PhantomData }
/// Blocks the thread on the specified future, returning the value with
/// which that future completes.
pub(crate) fn block_on<F>(&mut self, f: F) -> Result<F::Output, AccessError>
F: std::future::Future,
use crate::runtime::park::CachedParkThread;
let mut park = CachedParkThread::new();
/// Blocks the thread on the specified future for **at most** `timeout`
/// If the future completes before `timeout`, the result is returned. If
/// `timeout` elapses, then `Err` is returned.
pub(crate) fn block_on_timeout<F>(&mut self, f: F, timeout: Duration) -> Result<F::Output, ()>
F: std::future::Future,
use crate::runtime::park::CachedParkThread;
use std::task::Context;
use std::task::Poll::Ready;
use std::time::Instant;
let mut park = CachedParkThread::new();
let waker = park.waker().map_err(|_| ())?;
let mut cx = Context::from_waker(&waker);
let when = Instant::now() + timeout;
loop {
if let Ready(v) = crate::runtime::coop::budget(|| f.as_mut().poll(&mut cx)) {
return Ok(v);
let now = Instant::now();
if now >= when {
return Err(());
park.park_timeout(when - now);
impl Drop for DisallowBlockInPlaceGuard {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if self.0 {
// XXX: Do we want some kind of assertion here, or is "best effort" okay?
CONTEXT.with(|c| {
if let EnterRuntime::Entered {
allow_block_in_place: false,
} = c.runtime.get()
c.runtime.set(EnterRuntime::Entered {
allow_block_in_place: true,